Advocacy Briefs
The Coalition is always on the lookout for changes in policy and current events that could impact the health status of LGBTQ+ individuals, or influence access to and utilization of health care within the LGBTQ+ community. Visit our Advocacy Briefs page to view a summary of recent news items, along with specific action steps you can take to advocate for LGBTQ+ health equity.
CMS Decision on PrEP Coverage Expansion
In an announcement by CMS, Medicare Part B will now cover PrEP drugs, which were previously covered under Medicare Part D and often came with deductibles and coinsurance or co-pays. Under the new Medicare Part B coverage, beneficiaries will no longer have co-pays or deductibles for PrEP. Links to online resources are also provided below:
Co-Pays Count Campaign
The National Coalition for LGBTQ Health is concerned about co-pay assistance not counting towards your deductible and is advocating to make #CoPaysCount. If you are experiencing co-pay issues, share your story here. Here is more background on the issue:
Pharmaceutical manufacturers have offered coupons, also known as “co-pay cards,” to help offset the cost of many prescriptions. These coupons are often used for essential medicines that prevent HIV and treat HIV. Since there are no generic alternatives in many cases, these co-pay cards have helped many people pay for their medicines. Insurers have traditionally counted these coupons towards a patient’s deductible. For those who have a lower deductible, these co-pay cards can help a person reach their health plan’s deductible.
Now, some insurers have changed these policies, no longer counting these coupons toward a person’s deductible. Some plans are refusing to accept co-pay cards at all. This shifts costs directly onto patients and is going to affect patients’ access and adherence to their medications.
LGBTQ+ Health Advocacy Resources
A collection of resources from around the web to help you stay up-to-date on policies affecting the health and healthcare access of LGBTQ+ individuals, and to engage with lawmakers to advocate for LGBTQ+ health equity.
ACA Section 1557
Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disability in health programs and activities that receive federal funding. It also protects transgender individuals from being denied medical care based on their gender identity. The current administration is planning to propose a rollback on this policy that would open the door for discrimination against trans patients. The Coalition will continue to advocate for protections for all LGBTQ+ individuals, especially those most vulnerable to mistreatment within the health care system.
The Coalition will be monitoring the situation closely, and will notify our membership when more information is available.